Posts in Sisters In Law
A tale of two speeches

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to look at the events in the Capitol on January 6th a year later, and review the ongoing legal actions and possible consequences facing those responsible. Then, they break down the vaccination mandate arguments that went in front of the Supreme Court on Friday, before discussing the Elizabeth Holmes trial verdict and if justice was served.

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Happy New Year 2022

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to break down the guilty verdict against Ghislaine Maxwell and analyze the factors that led to the decision. Then they examine the legal battle between the New York Times and Project Veritas, and discuss the legal troubles of former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo and use them to explain the critical differences between civil and criminal charges.

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Jordan, Potter & Shadows

The #SistersInLaw convene this week to discuss the 1/6 committee’s request to interview Rep. Jordan and what happens when congress investigates its own members. Then, they look at the relevant factors in the manslaughter verdict against police officer Kim Potter, and the Supreme Court taking vaccine mandate cases out of the shadow docket and bringing them to oral arguments.

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bell hooks, Meadows, & Smollett

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to look at the recent work of the 1/6 commission and the newest revelations about Mark Meadows. They also celebrate bell hooks and her iconic work on race, sex, and the struggle for civil rights, before examining the effect of hate crimes legislation on recent cases like the trial of Jussie Smollett and its role in protecting minority communities.

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The Glass Is Empty

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to break down the SCOUTUS ruling on the SB 8 vigilante abortion law and what it might mean for the Dobbs case. Then, they address how the dangers of gerrymandering might be limited with legislation, before outlining how executive privilege may or may not apply to Mark Meadows and give updates on the recent news coming out of the 1/6 commission.

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The #SistersInLaw meet this week to break down the arguments in the Dobbs abortion case that is being decided in the Supreme Court. Then, they analyze the latest developments in the 1/6 prosecutions and the role of executive privilege, before examining how Elizabeth Holmes and Ghislaine Maxwell are using the actions of men in their lives to try and bolster their legal defense.

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Denim Vest Jubilee

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to celebrate Sherrilyn Ifill’s legacy at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund of using the law as a force for justice. Then, they discuss the differences in how men and women are treated in public life and the role of clothing in speech, before explaining the critical importance of gender diversity on corporate boards and in making key decisions.

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Trials & Tribulations

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to try and find sense in the Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty verdict, and look at the worrying social forces that it’s unleashed. Then, they examine the legacy of racism and the hurdles that have come up finding a representative jury for the trial of Ahmaud Arbery’s killers, and break down the latest in the upcoming case facing Ghislaine Maxwell.

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Trumpoenas, Rittenhouse & Jury Selection

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to examine the status of the subpoenas for Trump’s Presidential documents and the fresh indictment of Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress. Then, they look at the factors in the ongoing case against Kyle Rittenhouse in Wisconsin, and the importance of jury selection and how it’s affected by the ruling in Batson V. Kentucky.

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Pushy Women

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to break down the recent challenges to abortion hitting the courts and the consequences if Roe vs. Wade is repealed. Then, they examine the Supreme Court case helping determine the future of concealed carry laws and the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment, and the way the term ‘pushy women’ is used in our culture and by the media.

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Trials, Vax & Legal Diversity

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to break down the latest developments in the trials of Kyle Rittenhouse and the importance of legal language in that case, some of the Charlottesville rioters, and the killers of Ahmaud Arbery. Then, they discuss how newly available vaccines for children can come up against parental rights, and the impact and importance of diversity in legal education.

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Bannon, Domestic Violence Awareness & Mimi V. Trump

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to explain the principles of prosecution, the oversight powers of Congress, and how they relate to January 6th. Then, they emphasize the power of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and its connection to the Petito case, before laying out the elements of fraud connected to Mimi Rocah’s case against the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester.

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Spies, Bannon & DOJ Action

The #SistersInLaw come together to look at the limits of executive privilege and the likelihood that Steve Bannon is arrested. They also discuss the steps the DOJ is taking to reform the criminal justice system by investigating police and prisons, before breaking down the recent arrest of the two spies in West Virginia and the legal differences between thinking about a crime and attempting it.

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We’ve Got Merch !

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to update you on the latest developments on the Texas Abortion Law and what the injunction on it might mean for its future. Then they lay out the case presented to congress by the Facebook whistleblower about the risks the company poses to the public, and discuss Merrick Garland’s decision to use the DOJ to protect school officials from violence.

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The Supremes, Gerrymandering & Omarosa

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to examine the cases facing the Supreme Court and their possible impact on our laws before diving into the practice of gerrymandering, how different states are handling it, and the racial implications it has for our system. Then, they explain NDAs and the arbitrator’s recent strike down of the one Donald Trump had entered into with Omarosa.

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R. Kelly, Trump’s lawsuit & the abortion debate

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to discuss the R. Kelly trial and the role of racketeering charges in his prosecution. Then they look at the latest aggressive lawsuit filed by Donald Trump against his own niece and the NYT, before reviewing the latest developments in our country’s abortion wars and the challenges developing to the recent Texas Law.

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Voting rights, Durham’s investigation & civilian control of the military

The #SistersInLaw meet this week to make the case for the voting rights bill currently before Congress. Then, they examine the charging of Michael Sussman by Trump’s appointee John Durham relating to his investigation of the origins of the Russian inquiry, and discuss our history of civilian control of the military, how it relates to the chain of command, and recent events.

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